Small Groups

Our weekly home groups are where the real work of discipleship takes place - encouraging, equipping and empowering each other towards a fuller, richer spiritual walk with Christ.

Our groups meet all over Birmingham on a Tuesday night - we would love to welcome you to join one, or come along and check one out! There is no pressure, and everyone is welcome!

While each group is unique, all consist of various activities from week to week - bible study, prayer, worship, discussion times and regular social times together - all designed to foster a deeper sense of relationship as we spur each other on toward a deeper relationship with God.

If you would like to join a small group, or have a chat about them, please contact us here: or click below!

Clicking ‘sign up’ will not commit you to a group, but will put you in touch with one of our team who will get in contact to discuss further.

Small Group Locations